How to Create a Battery from a Lemon

How to Create a Battery from a Lemon
Create a Battery from a Lemon

How to create a voltaic cell battery using a lemon.

How to Teach Kids About Astronomy

How to Teach Kids About Astronomy
Teach Kids About Astronomy

Astronomy is the oldest of the physical sciences. The night sky and its array of stars, wandering planets, changing moon phases, occasional comets and meteor showers, and, in far northern and southern latitudes, shimmering auroras, have fascinated mankind and stimulated the imagination of generations. With the recent discoveries of planets orbiting other stars and the exotic environments of the planets and moons in our own solar system, the opportunity is there to fascinate a new generation with the wonders of the universe. Teaching children astronomy can appear challenging to the point of intimidation, but with some knowledge of astronomy and your child's particular interests related to the subject, you can stimulate your child's interest in astronomy. Following are some ideas and methods for teaching astronomy to children.

How to Make Clay for Kids

How to Make Clay for Kids
 Make Clay for Kids

Do your kids like playing with clay but you don't have the money to buy it for them? Or do you want something fun to make with your kids that they can have fun with? Try making clay at home.

How to Make a Naked Egg

How to Make a Naked Egg
Make a Naked Egg

Peeling isn't just for hard-boiled eggs; you can separate the shell from an unboiled egg simply by soaking it in vinegar! Not only will you be left with a "naked egg," but you'll also have a chemistry lesson to go along!

How to Make Your Own 3D Glasses

How to Make Your Own 3D Glasses
Make Your Own 3D Glasses

Making your own 3D glasses is so easy to do that you can whip them up just before a movie, right at the moment you discover the ones that came with your 3D DVD are missing! Here are two methods for producing effective 3D glasses at home.

How to Make a Soda Bottle Volcano

How to Make a Soda Bottle Volcano
Make a Soda Bottle Volcano

Making a soda-bottle volcano is a classic science experiment that doubles as a great excuse to make an explosive mess. Read on for instructions on making a make a soda-bottle volcano with soda and Mentos (which can produce eruptions of up to 18 feet if done correctly) or with the classic baking soda and vinegar combo; additionally, scroll down to find instructions on designing the volcano itself.

How to Make Water Rise

Make Water Rise

It's not in defiance of the law of gravity to make water rise, but you'll need a few tools and a little help from science. Here's how.